Kamis, 11 Februari 2016

PDF⋙ Cast Away: The Shooting Script by William Broyles

Cast Away: The Shooting Script by William Broyles

Cast Away: The Shooting Script

Cast Away: The Shooting Script by William Broyles PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

So begins William Broyles, Jr.'s fascinating introduction, written exclusively for this book, about the process and challenges inherent in writing a screenplay that was not, by design, going to have a lot of dialogue in it, and about his collaboration with two extraordinarily gifted artists, actor Tom Hanks and director Robert Zemeckis.

Broyles's introduction shows how a movie and its story evolve, shift, and shape while the creators grapple with all manner of internal and external choices: from developing what was Tom Hanks's idea into a story, and building a narrative structure and thematic threads into a screenplay, to researching the details of the specific—and ironic—situation of a FedEx executive stranded on a desert island.

Also included in this unique Newmarket Shooting Script® edition is the complete shooting script, a preface to the script by Academy Award®-winning filmmaker Robert Zemeckis (Forrest Gump, Contact), movie stills, and complete cast and crew credits.

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