Jumat, 02 Januari 2015

PDF⋙ Exodus (New Cambridge Bible Commentary) by Carol Meyers

Exodus (New Cambridge Bible Commentary) by Carol Meyers

Exodus (New Cambridge Bible Commentary)

Exodus (New Cambridge Bible Commentary) by Carol Meyers PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This commentary views Exodus as a cultural document, preserving the collective memories of the Israelites and relating them to the major institutions and beliefs that emerged by the end of the time of the Hebrew Bible. It is intended to help the reader follow the story line of Exodus, understand its socio-cultural context, appreciate its literary features, recognize its major themes and values, and also note its interpretive and moral problems. Carol Meyers explains important concepts and terms as expressed in the Hebrew original so that those who know Hebrew as well as those who don't will be able to follow the text.

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