Selasa, 28 Januari 2014

PDF⋙ Curating Research (Occasional Table) by Hyunjoo Byeon, Carson Chan

Curating Research (Occasional Table) by Hyunjoo Byeon, Carson Chan

Curating Research (Occasional Table)

Curating Research (Occasional Table) by Hyunjoo Byeon, Carson Chan PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This anthology of newly commissioned texts presents a series of detailed examples of the different kinds of knowledge production that have recently emerged within the field of curatorial practice. The first volume of its kind to provide an overview of the theme of research within contemporary curating, Curating Research marks a new phase in developments of the profession globally. Consisting of case studies and contextual analyses by curators, artists, critics and academics, including Hyunjoo Byeon, Carson Chan and Joanna Warsza, Chris Fite-Wassilak, Olga Fernandez Lopez, Kate Fowle, Maja and Reuben Fowkes, Liam Gillick, Georgina Jackson, Sidsel Nelund, Simon Sheikh, Henk Slager,, Jelena Vestic, Marion von Osten and Vivian Ziherl, and edited by curators Paul O'Neill and Mick Wilson, the book is an indispensible resource for all those interested in the current state of art and in the intersection between research and curating that underlies exhibition-making today.

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